Welcome to Ask Dr. Juanita Enterprises, LLC

        Where we help  Women  Drive Their Dreams into Destiny                                        through Financial Freedom

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Are you ready to take Charge of your Destiny and Finances and create a life filled with Purpose, Destiny and Financial Wellness?

Our Coaching programs and online courses are designed to guide you on a transformative journey, empowering you to discover your Inner D.R.I.V.E and lead you to Dream Realizations and Financial Freedom.

 Providing a Roadmap to:

Inner D.R.I.V.E.

Discovering your Inner D.R.I.V.E. will allow you to shift gears as you navigate along your journey of life around curves and detours, over mountains, and through obstacles to unlock the best version of You.

Financial Freedom

Financial Freedom is a journey that requires patience, and sound decision-making. It's important to assess your personal circumstances, create a plan tailored to your goals and dreams, and adapt it as needed. Allow us to show you how to develop your strategic plan.

Destiny-life Living

Ultimately, destiny, life, and living are intertwined concepts that invite individuals to reflect on their purpose, make choices, and actively engage in the journey of existence.

Let's get Started!

I am so excited you have made the 1st “Gear Shift” towards achieving your “Life of Destiny and Financial Freedom” by joining in on this Journey.  You have made a significant DECISION that will change the trajectory of your life and legacy.  This is a DEFINING moment in your DESTINY.

This Program was DESIGNED with you in mind.  It borrows from the “Gear Shifts” I made during the DRIVE along my Life’s highways for Thirty plus years of training and skills development, leadership, mentorship, coaching, and business development involved in building my “Life of Freedom and purpose”.

Dr. Juanita Taylor

CEO and Business Woman; Life, Financial, and Business Strategist and Coach; Speaker; Author; Dentist; and Retired Physical Therapist 

A Life, financial and business strategist transforming lives and legacies while “Driving Dreams into Destiny-Life Living through Financial Freedom.

Dr. Juanita is the Founder and CEO of Ask Dr. Juanita Enterprises, CaringSmiles 4U Children and Adult Dentistry and CS Realty Group. She is also the Founder and President of Epitome of a Lady nonprofit mentorship organization. She has been featured in Indy Kids Directory, Indy Metro Woman, Doctor of Dentistry Magazines and The Empowered Hour Podcast.

Learn More About Me

Ready To Use Your Inner D.R.I.V.E To Have a Fulfilled Life of Destiny Living?  


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Being apart of Ask Dr. Juanita organization has helped me in all aspects of my life. Before you can make a change in yourself you must break habits. Working with Dr. Juanita, wasn’t just about working on my finances. Yes, building a great financial spending plan is important. But, I was exposed to building my full self whole in all aspects of life; being healthy mentally and physically, financially and spiritually. Dr. Juanita has been both a mentor and an accountability partner. Being able to speak on vulnerable topics of my finances and to see those efforts were not in vain because i was able to measure my growth through her workshop was impeccable. Dr. Juanita’s spending plan and workbook to journal my process is what continues to keep me motivated. Being apart of this organization has taught me how to make my money work for me; whereas before, I was working for my money. Being able to buy anything I want without the stress of “can I afford it?” was my reason for sticking with this journey. After working with Dr. Juanita, I am able to see not just my stress of affording my life go away. I have grown into the person I always envisioned myself being; a full self, healthy, wealthy, on trajectory to establishing a beautiful legacy.


As a first generation refugee it was not easy to learn how the country works. For me, living in America and learning the financial structure was a new experience. I didn’t know anything about credit or how to save money, or even manage my money and be able to pay all my bills on time. I remember volunteering to work with a staffing agency at a job fair on a Saturday and this nice lady with a very strong beautiful aura walks up to me and says “hello what do you do? where do you work” At the time I was at my very first job and I had been in America for only 5 months at the time. Dr. Juanita saw something in me and wanted best for me. She groomed and mentored me to be my best self. Many life lessons learned working through the financial workbook of Dr. Juanita. Her lesson plan for holding financial spending plan has helped me greatly. Not only has she helped me build my finances, but she has helped me build my confidence, establish a career, while teach me good work ethic. Ask Dr. Juanita has helped me see and believe I can make my dreams come true. I am truly blessed to be apart of Ask Dr. Juanita organization and thankful that our paths has crossed. Dr. Juanita is both my life coach and financial coach. We come a very long way and I loved every second of learning and working with her. I am forever thankful Dr. Juanita and Ask Dr. Juanita organization.